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Individual Professional Organization

If you are an entrepreneur, freelancer, or professional who wants to improve their personal organization system, I’m here to help

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Transform your chaotic workday into an organized and productive time

Tailor-made for the bustling lives of entrepreneurs, freelancers, and professionals, this system will keep you away from multitasking and digital clutter, and help you achieve the ever-elusive work-life balance.


Leave procrastination, scattered focus, and the stress of expired deadlines in the past.


With my system, clarity, direction, and productivity will become your new reality.

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Pre-work process




Fill out a form with a few short questions, including your contact information



I will contact you shortly with available time slots for an initial conversation or consultation



During that conversation, we define your needs, goals, and how exactly I can help you solve the problem



I will send you a proposal via email, with additional explanations or adjustments if necessary



After an agreement, we sign a contract specifying all details of cooperation

Who the Perpetuum Organization Design is for:

  • Entrepreneurs who want to improve their organizational skills and increase productivity in everyday life

  • Freelancers who want to improve their organizational skills and manage their projects more efficiently

  • Individuals looking for effective strategies for time management and optimization of their working process

  • Anyone who wants to achieve a better work-life balance and experience greater satisfaction and fulfillment in life

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Who this organization design is NOT for:

  • Individuals who are not ready to take responsibility for changes and actively work on developing new habits and skills

  • Those looking for quick solutions without a willingness for long-term commitment and continuous self-improvement

  • Individuals who don’t believe in the importance of good organization and effectiveness as key factors for success

  • Those who are already completely satisfied with their current way of working and don’t see the need for additional support or changes

  • Anyone unwilling to openly communicate with their mentor, take responsibility for their results and actively participate in the process to achieve desired outcomes

  • How can this help me improve my organizational skills and productivity?
    I offer customized strategies and tools to help you manage your time and energy more effectively, organize your tasks, and achieve better results. We will work on developing specific habits and techniques that suit your professional environment.
  • Is this for me if I already have organizational systems implemented?
    While you may already have certain organizational systems, I can help you identify new perspectives, techniques, and tools to improve your productivity and effectiveness. I will work with you to identify and highlight areas for improvement and provide support in implementing new strategies.
  • Is the system for solo entrepreneurs or freelancers?
    My services can be tailored to both solo entrepreneurs and freelancers who want to improve their organizational skills and productivity.
  • How long does the process last?
    The duration of the work process varies depending on your needs and goals.
  • How will we work together?
    We will organize meetings via video calls and email.
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